Nagarjuna has planned to introduce his son to the Telugu masses on this occasion. The stills of the film showcase Nag Chaitanya as looking very different from his regular looks. He looks as like as his dad Nagarjuna.Moreover, fresh stills of Nag Chaitanya will be released on this occasion.
Well, Dad Nag seems to be giving more importance to his son than his own film.His recent activities shows it clearly.He takes all responsibility for his son to get success in the film industry.
This would be the third generation from the Nageshwara Rao family to enter the Telugu filmdom. Surely something audiences would look forward from Nagarjuna and his Son Nag Chaitanya.
Interestingly number of star sons are making their foray into tinsel town. With Chiranjeevi bidding adieu to films after plunging into politics, his son Ram Charan Teja will be seen as hero in many films.
This sure is the season of star sons in Telugu Cinema.We will wait and see until tomorrow for the "King" music album and also for Nag Chaitanya's mass appeal. Thanks for your time.
Well, Dad Nag seems to be giving more importance to his son than his own film.His recent activities shows it clearly.He takes all responsibility for his son to get success in the film industry.
This would be the third generation from the Nageshwara Rao family to enter the Telugu filmdom. Surely something audiences would look forward from Nagarjuna and his Son Nag Chaitanya.
Interestingly number of star sons are making their foray into tinsel town. With Chiranjeevi bidding adieu to films after plunging into politics, his son Ram Charan Teja will be seen as hero in many films.
This sure is the season of star sons in Telugu Cinema.We will wait and see until tomorrow for the "King" music album and also for Nag Chaitanya's mass appeal. Thanks for your time.
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